About Theatre
Anichkov Palace is situated in the centre of St.Petersburg, on the Nevsky prospect.
Anichkov Palace is considered to be one of the most outstanding examples of palace architecture of 18th to 19th centuries in St Petersburg. The palace was called "Anichkov" after Mikhail Anichkov, the commander of а battalion of engineers who in the reign of Peter the Great built Anichkov Bridge over the River Fontanka. Later, the same name was given to the nearby palace, construction of which, under the orders of Peter's daughter Empress Elizabeth I, commenced in 1741 and finished in 1751.
During the first half century of its existence, Anichkov Palace belonged to the closest favourites of Elizabeth I and Catherine II, Aleksey Razumovsky and His Highness Prince Grigory Potemkin. For the century that followed it was оnе of the residences of the imperial family - their home and venue for lavish official receptions and splendid balls and masquerades. The palace was owned by the Grand Duchess Yekaterina Pavlovna (daughter of Emperor Paul I), Nicholas I, Alexander II and Alexander III. The last Russian emperor Nicholas II, spent his childhood at Anichkov Manor.
Now in the complex of buildings of Anichkov Palace there is a Theatre and concert hall "Carnival". It is a nice, cozy and comfortable hall where the ballet performances took place.